November 18, 2019 2 min read
Over the past few years, bone broth has become a popular trend among athletes, celebrities, and hordes of gym rats alike.
And this food trend is gaining strength. In fact, it’s so popular that between 2016 and 2017 sales of bone broth in the U.S rose from $5.83 million to more $17 million.
You can make it or you can buy it, but we’ll warn you, making it yourself is a lot of work.
Health ‘gurus’ claim that drinking bone broth made from beef or chicken bones can benefit your skin, heart, muscles, joints, immune system and gut health.
Despite the popularity and health claims, there’s actually very little scientific research on the subject. You can learn more about that here.
In addition to many of the health claims being ‘inflated’, there are also concerns about the lead content in bone broth and that’s because lead accumulates in the bones of animals. You can learn more about that here.
Although many of the health claims seem to be inflated, some of them do have a bit of support to back them up. Studies have shown chicken soup may help clear nasal passages and reduce inflammation. It also looks to be an efficient source of protein delivering 6 to 12 grams per cup.
As with any health trend, the health claims are often more exciting than the research, and that appears to be the case with bone broth.
However, if you’re looking for a quick and easy protein source or a way to add some flavor to your food, then bone broth may be the quick fix you’re looking for.
The earliest research was completed in 1934 and found that bone broth wasn’t a great source of nutrients, but when researchers added vegetables to the mix, the number of available nutrients increased substantially.