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For Andro Guide: Click Here
STEEL Andro products have been the gold standard for muscle growth since their introduction to the industry. With the Pro Series Mass Stack, we are redefining the meaning of serious f***ing mass.
4 total Andro's designed to pile on the highest quality muscle mass, increasing the weight on the bar and the scale! If you want to crack the sidewalk, stretch the sleeves on your favorite shirt, and turn heads everywhere you go, it's time for the Pro Series Mass Stack.
Also includes Alpha AF for post cycle and to optimize the Andro's during the cycle.
1-ANDRO is chemically designed to instantly increase lean muscle mass while dramatically improving strength and power. Our # 1 seller for a reason! Users experience incredible gains in just 1 cycle. Side effects such as DHT conversion associated with accelerated hair loss, acne, gyno and conversion to estrogen are not a concern with 1-ANDRO because of its structural properties.
17A-ANDRO is a must-have in any stack for men seeking maximum gains in strength and size. 17a-ANDRO is designed dramatically increase appetite, lower estrogen, suppress DHT conversion while increasing blood oxygenation. Extreme muscle fullness and increased red blood cell count are vital for users seeking extreme gains by moving heavy amounts of weight. 17a-ANDRO is the core product in all STEEL ANDRO cycles.
4-ANDRO is the must-have Andro for athletes seeking explosive power & maximum size with mental aggression. Blast through your genetic barriers and experience skin-bursting pumps as the muscle piles on and the fat melts off.
19-NOR-ANDRO is the go-to Andro for powerlifters and athletes seeking raw power and mind-blowing strength gains each and every workout. With minimal estrogen conversion and no liver toxicity 19-NOR-ANDRO is the most effective way to pile weight on the bar and muscle onto the body.
ALPHA-AF promotes natural T while acting as anti-E (love handles and gyno!) One of the best products for PCT after using STEEL Andro’s.
*Due to the sensitive and highly limited ingredients used in the STEEL products, for customer safety, we do not accept returns as returned items cannot be restocked. Please carefully consider this before your purchase.
Suggested Use - Directions
Take 1 of each Andro and 1 capsule of Alpha when you wake up on an empty stomach waiting 30 minutes to eat. 10-12 hours later take 1 of each Andro again, you should total 8 Andro pills and 1 Alpha per day. Do this everyday for the entire 30 day entire cycle, including rest days.Once you complete the Andro’s take 3 pills of Alpha-AF with your first meal every day for 20 days as the post cycle to the Andro’s.In total, the Pro Series Mass Stack is taken for 50 days.
How old must I be to take this stack?
You must be at least 18 years old, we do advise people under the age of 21 to stick to effective mass builders such as PUMPED-AF, ADABOLIC, ADALOAD, ATP-FUSION and WHEY-PRO, WHEY-ISO and VEG-PRO
Can I combine this stack with other STEEL products?
Yes, all of STEEL’s products are okay to take with this stack.
Can women take this stack?
No. Because of the hormonally modulating nature of Andros, this can lead to potentially adverse effects in women such as virilization and other drastic hormonal imbalances.
Can I take a pre-workout with this stack?
Yes, you can! PRE, Charged, It is advised to include Adabolic and HyperAde as part of your pre/intra/post workout stack, in order to further drive muscular gains and recovery.
Can I drink Alcohol on this stack?
Should I take this on rest days?
Yes, take your andros every day 2x a day until the cycle is complete.
Does this stack contain any stimulants?
No, this stack contains no stimulants. This stack can be paired with stimulant based products like; Focused, PRE, Charged and Amped.
Side effects?
Because everyone's body is different, it is impossible to say which individual is going to experience different effects. Due to our proper dosing and liposomal technology with the Andros, side effects are mitigated as much as possible. Following up your Andro cycle with Alpha-AF for PCT will further mitigate these risks, and help you to lock in your progress while restoring hormonal balance to your body.
Do I need on-cycle therapy or liver support?
With any of our Andros, on cycle support is not required. Our Andros are manufactured using liposomal technology, ensuring non-liver toxicity.
1-ANDRO Ingredients
Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Phosphatidycholine, Hydroxpropyf-beta-cyclodextrin (HPBCD), Phytosterol, Stearic Acid, Magnesium, Stearate, Starch, Titanium Dioxide, Silica, FD&C Red #40
17A-ANDRO Ingredients
17beta(3ketoethyl)-androsta-1, 4-diene-3-one, 17a-ol(1,4 OHP) 37.5mg, 6-Keto-Progesterone 20mg, rhaponticum carthomoides 250mg
4-ANDRO Ingredients
Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Phosphatidycholine, Hydroxpropyf-beta-cyclodextrin (HPBCD), Phytosterol, Stearic Acid, Magnesium, Stearate, Starch, Titanium Dioxide, Silica, Black Color
19-NOR-ANDRO Ingredients
Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Phosphatidycholine, Hydroxpropyf-beta-cyclodextrin (HPBCD), Phytosterol, Stearic Acid, Magnesium, Stearate, Starch, Titanium Dioxide, Silica, Silver Color
ALPHA-AF Ingredients
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