July 04, 2023 9 min read

Having well-defined abs that are both vertically and horizontally symmetrical is often the ultimate fitness goal for many individuals. It's an amazing feeling to be able to proudly showcase the rock-hard abs that you've worked so tirelessly to achieve.

However, it's important to acknowledge that the human body doesn't always cooperate as desired. It can be disheartening to put in the effort to develop a six-pack, only to discover that your abs are uneven. Are you diligently working out but experiencing uneven results? In this article, we'll explore potential causes and, with any luck, provide some solutions to fix imbalances.

It's actually pretty common to have uneven abs, more common than you might expect. Even professional bodybuilders have won competitions with misaligned abs. But that doesn't stop many people with this problem from wondering if there's anything they can do to fix their uneven six-pack.

What Does it Mean to Have Uneven Abs?

Well, it can mean a couple of things. Firstly, it could refer to your abs not being perfectly aligned from side to side, giving them a staggered appearance. Although this may seem like a cause for embarrassment, the truth is that most people probably won't even notice.

On the other hand, it could also mean that your abdominal muscles aren't proportionate from top to bottom, which is often more related to where your body stores fat rather than muscle development.

Which Muscles Make Up the Abs?

You know those famous “six-pack” abs? Well, they're actually called the rectus abdominis muscles. But here's the thing, getting those abs to show requires both building up those muscles and keeping your body fat levels low. So, it's not just about crunches, there's more to it.

six-pack abs

Here are the main muscles that make up the six-pack abs:

1. The rectus abdominis is the big muscle in your belly that gives you that six-pack look. It goes up and down in the front of your abdomen, from the pubic bone to the lower ribs. Its main job is to bend your body forward, bringing your ribs closer to your pelvis.

If you're curious about what distinguishes the six-pack muscles, here's a breakdown. The main muscle that makes up the abdominal muscles, the rectus abdominis, is divided into left and right abs by a vertical line called the linea alba. Additionally, there are horizontal intersections called tendinous intersections that create individual expressions of abs.

So, sometimes your abs can look a little wonky, known as staggered abs. This happens when the tendinous intersections don't line up perfectly. While the rectus abdominis is evenly distributed by the linea alba, it's the horizontal tendinous intersections that give your abs that asymmetrical look when they're not straight across your belly.

2. The external obliques are the muscles on the sides of your belly. They go diagonally from the lower ribs to your pelvis. These muscles help you twist your trunk and bend sideways.

3. The internal obliques are right underneath the external obliques. They also go diagonally but in the opposite direction. These muscles help with trunk rotation and side-bending, working together with the external obliques.

4. The transversus abdominis is the deepest muscle in your belly. It wraps around horizontally, giving stability and compression to your core. This muscle helps you keep a good posture and supports your internal organs.

Potential Causes of Uneven Abs

If you're a bit of a perfectionist and find yourself pondering over the cause of your uneven abs, there are a couple of potential explanations.


Everyone's muscles have a unique shape and arrangement, which is determined by their genetics. This means that some people may have more symmetrical abdominal muscles, while others may have imbalances. If your abs are uneven due to your genetic programming, you'll need to put in extra effort and stay disciplined if you want to showcase and impress with your abs.

Body Fat

Getting a set of killer six-pack abs is a top priority for anyone serious about bodybuilding and fitness. It's the ultimate sign of having a low body fat percentage and proves that you're not just all muscle, but also have the sculpted definition to back it up.

Unfortunately, our bodies tend to store more fat in the lower abdomen, so losing weight specifically in that area is a myth. However, incorporating fat-burning cardio into your routine can promote weight loss and help you trim down and get rid of that stubborn belly bulge and get to a stage of even fat distribution.

If you're looking to lose weight, keep in mind that protein can keep you feeling satisfied for longer. Plus, if you're aiming to build muscle, getting enough protein is essential. To help reach your daily protein goal, you can give whey or plant-based protein supplement drinks a shot.

Dysfunctional Musculature

So, here's the deal with those wonky-looking abs of yours. It's not necessarily your ab muscles that are to blame, but rather some of the other muscles in your body. Yep, your back muscles play a big role in keeping your spine stable.

When you have poor posture, like sitting or standing with uneven weight distribution, it can mess with the alignment of your muscles over time. And that can lead to imbalances and uneven abs.

Even a tiny tilt on one side can throw off the overall straightness of your spine. And that's when your muscles start compensating. One of the ways they do this is by readjusting the midline. This means that one side of your abs ends up being longer than the other side, which puts less stress on it.

Unbalanced Training

When you don't balance your training properly, you might end up working one side of your core more than the other. This can happen if you have different techniques for exercises, if you often favor one side during workouts, or if you neglect certain muscle groups.

If you participate in sports like golf, baseball, volleyball, or tennis that involve plenty of one-armed movements, this could contribute to having uneven abs over time. While it's true that athletes are generally fitter than most people, they might unintentionally develop one side of their core much more than the other.

There’s research to support uneven muscle development in people who play sports that are predominantly one-sided, like tennis or golf. The muscles in the overworked side of the body become thicker.

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti, which is when the abdominal muscles separate in the middle of the body, is most common in pregnant or postpartum individuals. However, it can also happen to weightlifters who strain their abs while doing deadlifts and other heavy weight lifting. This condition not only affects the appearance of the abs but also weakens the core muscles, leading to issues like back pain and organ prolapse. It's important to have diastasis recti checked by a doctor to prevent further complications.

Just so you know, it's pretty normal to have a slight difference in your ab muscles, and it's usually not a big deal. But if you're really worried about how your abs look or if you're feeling any pain or discomfort, it's a good idea to talk to a doctor or a fitness expert. They can check things out, figure out what might be causing it, and suggest some exercises or ways to fix it.


Scoliosis is a medical condition in which the spine curves abnormally, forming an S or C shape. It usually happens before puberty and starts off mild, but can worsen over time.

With scoliosis, one shoulder and hip can appear higher than the other, which can make your abs look uneven. Some abdominal muscles, like the transversus abdominis, may be affected, but not necessarily the rectus abdominis.

If you have scoliosis, you might also notice that one shoulder blade sticks out more than the other. Depending on how severe the curve is, you might experience back pain and have trouble breathing.

What Can You Do About Your Uneven Abs?

If you're dealing with asymmetry or uneven abs, the reason behind it can vary. It could be because you have more body fat deposits on your lower abs compared to the upper ones. As a result, the upper half looks more defined and separate.

The fix is pretty straightforward: concentrate on reducing your overall body fat percentage until your lower abs become more visible. As you continue to lower your body fat percentage, that excess fat on the lower abs will diminish, and your abs will look balanced and well-developed from top to bottom—as long as you keep up your ab workouts and understand which exercises work the upper abs, and which to focus when you target the lower abs for more muscle definition.

If your asymmetrical abs are due to genetics, bad posture, uneven training, or diastasis recti, a carefully planned workout routine could be the solution to achieving a jaw-dropping six-pack. While you can't change your genes, concentrating on exercises that target the weaker areas can make a significant difference.

So many people believe that crunches are the ultimate solution to all their abdominal woes, but they actually don't do much for the lower part of the rectus abdominis. To truly engage and strengthen this muscle group, you need to focus on working it from your pubic bone all the way up to your rib cage.

This involves incorporating your legs, targeting the hip flexors and obliques. It's important to remember that having a defined six-pack doesn't necessarily mean you have core strength or good balance, and that's definitely not ideal.

Exercises to Consider for Your Workout Routine

If you've got uneven abs, you'll want to do specific ab exercises to target the less prominent ones. Give decline crunches a go to work out your upper abs. For the lower abs, try hanging leg and knee raises or reverse crunches.

If your muscle imbalance is from side to side, it usually means that your dominant side is doing most of the work during your workouts. To fix this, focus on training your weaker side to even things out, and don't let your stronger side compensate.

Incorporate unilateral exercises like single-leg leg raises, single-leg knee raises, or one-arm planks. And if you want to target your upper or lower abs, make sure to include rotational and anti-rotational exercises in your abdominal exercise routine.

The trick is to do exercises that stretch your abs and ones that make your spine resist twisting. Here are some great exercises you can add to your workout routine, but it's always a good idea to talk to your personal trainer so they can create an ab workout plan with the right number of reps and sets. This will focus on your weaker side and help balance out your six-pack for those enviable washboard abs.

1. Side Plank

  1. Start by lying on your side, propped up on your forearm, with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder.

  2. Lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your feet.

  3. Hold the position for a specified time (e.g., 30 seconds to 1 minute) and then switch sides.

  4. To make it more challenging, you can raise the top leg or add variations like side plank dips or hip dips.

2. Single-Leg V-Ups

  1. Lie on your back with your arms extended overhead and your legs straight.

  2. Lift one leg off the ground while simultaneously raising your upper body and reaching your hands toward your toes.

  3. Lower back down with control and repeat the movement on the other side.

  4. Perform a set number of repetitions on each leg.

3. Standing Oblique Crunches

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands behind your head, elbows out to the sides.

  2. Bend to one side, bringing your elbow towards your hip while keeping your torso upright.

  3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

  4. Perform a set number of repetitions on each side.

4. Russian Twists

  1. Sit on the ground with your knees bent, and your feet lifted off the floor, balancing on your glutes.

  2. Lean back slightly while maintaining a straight spine and engaging your core.

  3. Twist your torso to one side, bringing your hands or a weighted object (such as a dumbbell) to the ground beside your hip.

  4. Twist to the opposite side and touch the ground on the other side.

  5. Perform a set number of repetitions, alternating sides.

5. Bicycle Crunches

  1. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, elbows out to the sides.

  2. Lift your feet off the ground and bring one knee in towards your chest while simultaneously rotating your torso and bringing the opposite elbow towards the knee.

  3. Extend the leg and bring the other knee in towards your chest, rotating your torso and bringing the opposite elbow towards the knee.

  4. Continue alternating in a pedaling motion, performing a set number of repetitions on each side.

6. Alternating Oblique Sit-Ups

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.

  2. Place your hands behind your head or cross them over your chest.

  3. Lift your upper body off the ground, engaging your core.

  4. As you crunch up, rotate your torso to one side, aiming to bring your opposite elbow towards the opposite knee.

  5. Lower your upper body back down and repeat the movement, this time rotating to the other side.

  6. Continue alternating sides with each repetition.

Bottom Line

It's worth repeating that if you want to strengthen and tone certain muscle groups, targeting them specifically can be helpful.

However, to achieve a well-balanced and symmetrical physique, you need to take a comprehensive approach. This means incorporating a range of exercises that target different areas of your core and addressing any muscle imbalances you may have.

To get the best results, it's also important to focus on reducing overall body fat through a combination of proper nutrition and cardio exercises. This will help reveal your abs and give them a more defined and appealing look.