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August 26, 2024 9 min read

Serge Nubret, affectionately known as “The Black Panther,” is a name that resonates with anyone familiar with the golden era of bodybuilding. A true icon of the sport, Nubret captivated the world with his chiseled physique, defined muscles, and a presence that commanded attention. What made Nubret truly unique, however, was his approach to training—one that defied conventional wisdom.

Unlike many of his peers, Nubret didn’t rely on lifting heavy weights to build his legendary physique. Instead, he championed a training style focused on high volume and precision, sculpting his body through countless repetitions and an unwavering connection to the muscles he worked.

This method, combined with a disciplined diet centered on natural, wholesome foods, allowed Nubret to achieve a balanced and aesthetically pleasing body that remains the standard of excellence in bodybuilding.

This article covers the workout routine and diet plan that propelled Serge Nubret to the pinnacle of bodybuilding. Whether you’re an aspiring bodybuilder or someone interested in understanding the nuances of fitness, Nubret’s approach offers valuable insights into achieving physical excellence without the need to lift heavy weights.

Serge Nubret's Training Philosophy

Serge Nubret's approach to bodybuilding was as distinctive as his iconic physique. While many of his contemporaries were focused on lifting the heaviest weights possible, Nubret carved out a different path—one that emphasized high volume, strict form, and a deep mind-muscle connection.

His philosophy was simple yet profoundly effective: it’s not about how much you lift, but how you lift it.

High Volume, Low Weight Approach

At the heart of Nubret’s training philosophy was the belief that the key to muscle growth wasn’t in lifting heavy weights, but in performing a high number of repetitions with moderate weights. 

He would often perform 6 to 8 sets of an exercise, each consisting of 12 to 20 reps, pushing his muscles to the brink of exhaustion. This high-volume approach ensured that his muscles were under constant tension, which he believed was critical for stimulating hypertrophy and achieving the full, dense look that defined his physique.

Nubret’s focus was not on moving the heaviest weight possible, but on maintaining strict control and perfect form throughout each rep. 

This allowed him to target specific muscles with precision, ensuring that every movement contributed to sculpting his body in the way he desired. By doing so, he avoided the risk of injury associated with heavy lifting while still achieving remarkable muscle development.

Mind-Muscle Connection

A cornerstone of Nubret’s philosophy was the mind-muscle connection—the practice of fully concentrating on the muscle being worked during each exercise. 

For Nubret, bodybuilding was not just a physical activity but a mental one. 

He believed that by focusing intently on the contraction of the muscle, he could maximize the effectiveness of each rep and ensure that the targeted muscle was fully engaged.

This mental focus also allowed Nubret to make subtle adjustments during his workouts, optimizing the angle, speed, or range of motion to increase the intensity of the exercise. By honing this mind-muscle connection, Nubret was able to achieve a level of muscle definition and symmetry that set him apart from his peers.

Serge Nubret Pose

Consistency and Discipline

Nubret’s training philosophy was driven by a relentless consistency and discipline that few could match. He trained every day, often for hours at a time, with a dedication that bordered on obsession. This daily commitment wasn’t just about physical exercise; it was a testament to his mental fortitude and his unwavering belief in his method.

For Nubret, there were no shortcuts, and he afforded himself only one rest day per week. His consistency in the gym was mirrored by his disciplined approach to nutrition, rest, and recovery. This holistic commitment to his craft allowed him to maintain peak physical condition year-round, a rarity in the competitive world of bodybuilding.

Serge Nubret's Workout Routine

Serge Nubret’s workout routine was a reflection of his unique training philosophy, prioritizing high volume, strict form, and an intense mind-muscle connection. 

His routine was designed not just to build muscle mass, but to create a balanced, symmetrical physique that stood out on stage. Unlike the typical routines of his time, which often focused on lifting heavy weights, Nubret's approach was centered on performing a high number of sets and repetitions with moderate weights, allowing him to train with precision and endurance.

Split Routine Overview

Nubret followed a classic bodybuilding split routine, dedicating each day to targeting specific muscle groups. This allowed him to focus intensely on each area of his body, ensuring that every muscle received the attention it needed.

His routine typically included the following split:

  • - Day 1 and 4: Abs + Quads and Chest
  • Day 2 and 6: Abs + Back and Hamstrings
  • Day 3 and 5: Abs + Shoulders, Arms, and Calves
  • Day 6: Rest

Nubret rarely took rest days, preferring to train almost every day, which kept his muscles in a constant state of growth and development. This relentless schedule required not only physical stamina but also a strong mental focus and discipline.

As the primary objective of his training was to achieve muscle hypertrophy, Nubret's training regimen lacked a distinct cardio slot. Instead, a rigorous ab workout every morning coupled with minimal rest periods provided Nubret's cardiovascular system with the same kind of push that a typical cardio session would provide. Furthermore, Nubret ensured the aerobic intensity of his training sessions by limiting rest periods to 30 to 60 seconds.

Reportedly, The Black Panther started every day’s workout with 2,000 continuous sit-ups. Although it is not advisable for most people to perform excessive repetitions of abdominal exercises, the volume turned out to be effective for Nubret.

Serge Nubret’s Workout Routine (Sample)

Monday and Wednesday: Quads & Chest

Abs:  2,000 Sit-ups


  • Squats – 8 sets of 12 reps
  • Leg Press – 6 sets of 12 reps
  • Leg Extension – 6 sets of 12 reps


  • Bench Press – 8 sets of 12 reps
  • Flat Bench Flye’s – 6 sets of 12 reps
  • Incline Bench Press – 6 sets of 12 reps
  • Incline Flye’s – 6 sets of 12 reps
  • Dumbbell Pullovers – 6 sets of 12 reps

Tuesday and Thursday: Back and Hamstrings

Abs:  2,000 Sit-ups


  • Chin-ups – 6 sets of 12 reps
  • Behind the Neck Lat Pulldowns – 8 sets of 12 reps
  • Lat Pulldowns to the Front – 6 sets of 12 reps
  • Barbell Bent-over Rows – 6 sets of 12 reps


  • Lying Leg Curl – 8 sets of 15 reps
  • Standing Leg Curl – 8 sets of 15 reps

Wednesday and Saturday: Shoulders, Arms, and Calves

Abs:  2,000 Sit-ups


  • Behind the Neck Barbell Press – 6 sets of 12 reps
  • Alternate Dumbbell Front Raise – 6 sets of 12 reps
  • Barbell Upright Row – 6 sets of 12 reps
  • Cable Lateral Raise – 6 sets of 12 reps


  • Barbell Curl superset with Triceps Pushdowns – 8 sets of 12 reps
  • Dumbbell Curl superset with Triceps Dips – 8 sets of 12 reps


  • Standing Calf Raises – 8 sets of 12 reps
  • Seated Calf Raises – 8 sets of 12 reps


  • Rest

Repetitions and Sets

Nubret’s workouts were characterized by their high volume, with each exercise typically involving 6 to 8 sets of 12 to 20 repetitions. This high-rep, high-set approach was designed to keep the muscles under tension for an extended period, promoting muscle growth and endurance without the need for heavy weights. 

His focus was always on quality over quantity, ensuring that each rep was performed with perfect form and full muscle engagement.

Serge Nubret's workout

Serge Nubret's Diet Plan

Serge Nubret understood that building an exceptional physique required more than just rigorous training; it also demanded a structured diet. Nubret's nutritional philosophy was straightforward and rooted in simplicity. He believed that the body responds best to a diet made up of huge amounts of meat, along with rice, beans, and lentils.

It is a well-known fact that a major part of Serge's protein intake came from 6 to 8 pounds of horsemeat per day.

According to a published journal titled “Nutritional characteristics of horsemeat in comparison with those of beef and pork,”  horsemeat has potential health benefits such as low fat and high unsaturated fatty acid contents. 

He also ate fish, chicken, rice, vegetables, and fruits at an older age, when he switched from horsemeat to beef. 

Unlike most bodybuilders who eat multiple meals per day, Serge ate three meals a day. He explained that cows eat all day, while panthers eat only once per day.

Nubret didn’t believe in restrictive diets; instead, if he craved a pizza, he would eat one.

Daily Meal Breakdown

This is a copy of Serge Nubret's basic meal plan.

Meal 1:

  • 8 whole eggs
  • 4 slices of toast
  • 1 glass of milk
Whole Eggs

Meal 2:

  • 3 to 4 pounds of horsemeat
  • 1 portion of rice
  • 1 glass of milk
Meat on Platter

Meal 3:

  • 3 to 4 pounds of horsemeat
  • 1 portion of spaghetti
  • 1 glass of milk
Beef Spaghetti


Nubret placed significant importance on hydration, recognizing that water was essential for muscle function, digestion, and overall health. He drank plenty of water throughout the day, particularly during and after his intense training sessions, to ensure his body remained hydrated and functioning optimally.

Serge Nubret's Legacy in Bodybuilding

Serge Nubret’s impact on the world of bodybuilding extends far beyond his impressive physique and competition victories. His unique approach to training and his disciplined lifestyle have left an indelible mark on the sport, influencing generations of bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts who seek to build muscle, improve aesthetics, and achieve peak physical conditioning. 

Even years after his prime, Nubret’s legacy endures as a symbol of what can be achieved through dedication, innovation, and an unwavering belief in one’s methods.

Serge Nubret’s Impact and Influence

Nubret was not just a bodybuilder; he was a pioneer who challenged the prevailing norms of his time. At a period when lifting heavy weights was often considered the only path to building muscle, Nubret demonstrated that high-volume training with moderate weights could produce equally, if not more, impressive results. 

His approach was a revelation to many, showing that muscle size and symmetry could be achieved through consistency, precision, and an in-depth understanding of one’s own body.

Beyond his training techniques, Nubret’s aesthetic standards set a new benchmark in bodybuilding. He embodied the ideal of a sculpted, proportionate physique—broad shoulders, narrow waist, and balanced musculature—that many aspired to but few could achieve.

His success on the competition stage, including multiple victories and top placements at prestigious events, cemented his status as one of the greatest bodybuilders of his era. Furthermore, he was a successful actor and a self-published author.

The Black Panther's Philosophy in Modern Fitness

Today, Serge Nubret’s training philosophy remains highly relevant, particularly for those who prioritize muscle aesthetics over sheer strength. His methods have been adopted by countless athletes who seek to build a lean, muscular body without the risk of injury associated with heavy lifting. 

Nubret’s emphasis on the mind-muscle connection and strict form has also found a place in modern fitness circles, where these principles are recognized as essential for achieving targeted muscle growth and preventing overtraining.

Nubret’s legacy is also evident in the way he inspired others to approach bodybuilding as a holistic endeavor—one that requires not just physical effort but also mental focus, nutritional discipline, and a deep connection to the body. 

His story continues to inspire both new and seasoned athletes to pursue their fitness goals with the same passion and commitment that defined Nubret’s career.

Serge Nubret's Enduring Influence

Even in the decades following his retirement from competitive bodybuilding, Serge Nubret remained an influential figure in the fitness community. He continued to share his knowledge and experience through seminars, training programs, and mentorship, helping to shape the next generation of bodybuilders. His philosophy, built on the foundations of consistency, precision, and balance, continues to be a guiding light for those who seek to achieve their best selves in the gym.

Serge Nubret's ability to maintain his muscular, chiseled physique well into his later years is a testament to his unparalleled discipline and dedication to bodybuilding.

Unlike many athletes whose bodies begin to show signs of aging as they step away from competition, Nubret continued to defy expectations, keeping his muscles full, defined, and symmetrical throughout his life. His commitment to a rigorous training regimen, coupled with a high-protein diet, allowed him to sustain his legendary physique for decades.

Serge Nubret Last Show

In a remarkable display of longevity, Nubret took to the stage one last time at the 2003 World Championships in France, captivating audiences with a physique that had hardly aged since his prime. This final performance underscored not only his physical prowess but also his enduring passion for the sport, leaving a lasting impression on fans and solidifying his status as one of bodybuilding’s most iconic figures.

Nubret’s life and career stand as a testament to the power of dedication and the belief that true greatness comes not from following the crowd, but from forging one’s own path. His legacy in bodybuilding is not just one of physical achievement, but of a mindset that champions perseverance, innovation, and an unrelenting pursuit of excellence.


In today’s fitness world, various supplements like Protein powders, BCAAs, Multivitamins, Probiotics, and more are readily available to help athletes and bodybuilders to achieve optimal performance and health. 

These supplements provide the essential nutrients needed to fuel muscle growth, reduce fatigue, and improve endurance, making it easier to achieve the kind of muscular greatness that legends like Serge Nubret exemplified. 

If you want to pave your way to a stronger, more defined, and aesthetic panther-like physique, you’ll want to make HYPERBOLIC your supplement of choice.