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August 26, 2024 9 min read

Logan Franklin is not just another name in the world of bodybuilding—he is a modern icon, nicknamed The Texas Oak, whose dedication to the craft has set a new standard for aspiring athletes. With a physique that embodies the perfect blend of size, symmetry, and aesthetics, Logan has carved out a unique space in the competitive bodybuilding arena. 

From his early days as a U.S. Army soldier to his rise as a professional bodybuilder and fitness model, Logan’s journey is a testament to the power of discipline, hard work, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

In this article, we’ll discuss Logan Franklin’s workout routine and diet plan that propelled him the forefront of the fitness world. Whether you’re an aspiring bodybuilder or simply someone looking to enhance your fitness regimen, Logan’s approach offers valuable insights into what it takes to build a physique that stands out in any crowd. 

From his carefully structured training split to his meticulous nutrition strategy, every aspect of Logan’s regimen is designed with one goal in mind: to achieve peak physical condition.

Logan Franklin’s Workout Philosophy

Logan Franklin’s approach to bodybuilding goes beyond lifting heavy weights and packing on muscle; it’s about sculpting a physique that balances size, symmetry, and aesthetics. His workout philosophy is rooted in principles that prioritize not just physical strength, but also the art of bodybuilding—creating a body that is both powerful and visually striking.

For Logan, bodybuilding is as much an art form as it is a sport. He places a strong emphasis on aesthetics and proportion, ensuring that every muscle group is developed in harmony with the rest of his body.

Unlike some bodybuilders who focus solely on adding mass, Logan understands the importance of symmetry—how each muscle should complement the others to create a balanced, pleasing appearance. This commitment to proportion is what sets Logan apart and is a key reason why he stands out on the competitive stage.

Logan’s training routines are carefully crafted to target each muscle group. He avoids focusing too much on one area at the expense of others. Instead, he wants a body that is balanced in both size and shape. Whether it’s his broad shoulders, defined abs, or powerful legs, every part of Logan’s body reflects his dedication to achieving the ideal aesthetic.

Logan Franklin

Consistency and Discipline

A constant commitment to consistency and discipline lies behind Logan Franklin's impressive physique. He believes that success in bodybuilding is not achieved through occasional bursts of effort but through daily dedication to training, nutrition, and recovery. Logan believes that consistency over time is the true driver of progress in his workout philosophy.

This dedication is evident in how he approaches his training sessions, ensuring that each workout is executed with intensity and focus. Logan doesn’t just go through the motions; he engages both his mind and body in every lift, making sure that each repetition counts.

His discipline extends beyond the gym as well, with a strict adherence to his diet and recovery routines, allowing him to maintain peak condition year-round. Even during the off-season or when not preparing for a competition, Logan stays true to his regimen, knowing that the foundation he builds in these times is crucial for his performance on stage. 

His unwavering discipline and consistency are what allow him to continually improve and stay ahead of the competition, making him not just a bodybuilder, but a true artist in the sport.

Logan Franklin’s Training Regime

Logan Franklin's workout routine is a carefully structured plan designed to maximize muscle growth, enhance definition, and maintain overall balance in his physique. His training is a blend of tried-and-true bodybuilding techniques with modern intensity strategies, all aimed at sculpting a body that is both powerful and aesthetically pleasing.

Franklin’s Training Split

Logan follows a traditional five-day bodybuilding training split, with Thursdays and Sundays off. He dedicates specific days of the week to different muscle group combinations, with only his shoulders and legs trained separately. This approach allows him to focus on each area with the intensity needed for growth, while ensuring adequate recovery between sessions.

 A typical weekly split might look something like this:

  • - Monday: Chest and Biceps
  • - Tuesday: Legs and Side Delts
  • - Wednesday: Back and Triceps
  • - Thursday: Rest and Recovery
  • - Friday: Shoulders
  • - Saturday: Legs
  • - Sunday: Rest and Recovery

Spacing out training sessions ensures that muscles have enough recovery time, which is crucial for growth and avoiding overtraining.

Logan Franklin’s Real Workout Routine

Logan’s workout routine includes a mix of compound movements and isolation exercises. Compound exercises, which involve multiple muscle groups, are the cornerstone of his routine as they build overall strength and muscle mass. 

Here is an example of the typical exercises that form the basis of Logan Franklin's workout regimen:

Monday: Chest & Biceps

  • Incline Smith Press — 4 Sets of 15, 12, 10, 10 Reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Fly’s — 3 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps
  • Flat Barbell Bench Press — 3 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps
  • Chest Dips —  2 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps
  • Cable Cross-Overs —  2 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps
  • Straight Barbell Curls — 4 Sets of 20, 15, 15, 12 Reps
  • Dumbbell Concentration Curls — 3 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps
  • Standing Machine EZ Bar Curls — 3 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps

Tuesday: Legs & Side Delts

  • Leg Extensions — 4 Sets of 20 to 30 Reps
  • Squats — 3 Sets of 15 to 20 Reps
  • Walking Barbell Lunges — 3 Sets of 150 Feet
  • Lying Leg Curls — 5 Sets of 20, 20, 20, 15, 12 Reps
  • Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals — 5 Sets of 20, 15, 15, 12, 12 Reps
  • Dumbbell Upright Rows — 3 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps
  • Cable Side Laterals — 3 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps

Wednesday: Back & Triceps

  • Pull-Ups — 3 Sets of 15 Reps
  • T-Bar Rows (with Olympic Bar) — 4 Sets of 10 to 15 Reps
  • Deadlift from Rack — 3 Sets of 8 to 12 Reps
  • Barbell Rows (Palms Up) — 4 Sets of 10 to 15 Reps
  • Seated Cable Row (Rope) — 3 Sets of 15 Reps
  • Triangle Bar Press Downs — 4 Sets of 12 to 20 Reps
  • Close Grip Bench — 4 Sets of 10 to 15 Reps
  • Overhead Dumbbell Extensions) — 3 Sets of 15 Reps
  • Dumbbell Kickbacks — 3 Sets of 15 Reps
  • Rope Press Downs — 3 Sets of 15 Reps

Thursday: Off

  • Rest and some Cardio
Logan Franklin Pose

    Friday: Shoulders

    • Barbell Shrugs — 4 Sets of 10 to 15 Reps
    • Dumbbell Shrugs — 3 Sets of 12 to 20 Reps
    • Seated Dumbbell Laterals — 5 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps
    • Military Press — 4 Sets of 12 Reps
    • Reverse Dumbbell Fly’s — 4 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps
    • Dumbbell Upright Rows — 4 Sets of 12 to 15 Reps

    Saturday: Legs

    • Stiff Leg Deadlifts with Dumbbells — 4 Sets of 15 to 20 Reps
    • Seated Leg Curls — 3 Sets of 15 Reps
    • Walking Barbell Lunges — 3 Sets of 150 Feet
    • Abductors on Cable Machine — 3 Sets of 40 Reps

    Sunday: Off

    • Rest and some Cardio

    Franklin follows the progressive overload protocol in his workout routines. The exercises are chosen for their effectiveness in targeting the muscle groups Logan wants to develop, ensuring balanced growth and a well-defined physique.

    Intensity Techniques

    To continuously challenge his muscles and stimulate growth, Logan incorporates various intensity techniques into his routine. These techniques push his body beyond its comfort zone, encouraging adaptation and growth.

    Some of the intensity techniques he uses include:

    • Drop Sets: Logan decreases the weight after reaching failure on a set and continues the exercise, allowing for extended muscle fatigue.
    • Supersets: He pairs exercises targeting opposing muscle groups (e.g., biceps and triceps) with minimal rest between sets to maximize time efficiency and muscle pump.
    • Time Under Tension (TUT): He slows down the eccentric (lowering) phase of a lift, increasing the time his muscles are under tension, which enhances muscle growth.

    Logan relies on these methods to break through stumbling blocks and keep gaining.

    Cardio and Conditioning

    While muscle-building is the primary focus of Logan’s training, he also incorporates cardio and conditioning work to maintain a lean, defined physique. His approach to cardio is strategic, aiming to burn fat while preserving muscle mass.

    This typically includes:

    • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief recovery periods. This method is effective for fat loss and improving cardiovascular fitness without requiring long hours on the treadmill.
    • Steady-State Cardio:  On days when he opts for lower-intensity cardio, Logan might perform 30–45 minutes of steady-state exercise, such as cycling or walking on an incline, to enhance fat burning while keeping stress on the body low.

    Cardio is usually done for 30 to 45 minutes two or three times per week.

    Logan Franklin’s Diet Plan

    Logan Franklin's success in bodybuilding is not only due to his rigorous training regimen, but also his meticulous approach to nutrition. Logan’s diet is carefully crafted to support muscle growth, fuel intense workouts, and maintain a lean, chiseled physique. 

    His dietary strategy emphasizes whole foods, balanced macronutrients, and the strategic use of supplements to ensure his body performs at its best, both in the gym and on stage.

    Nutrition Philosophy

    Logan believes that nutrition is the foundation of any successful bodybuilding journey.

    Food is more than just fuel—it’s a tool for sculpting your body and achieving fitness goals. This nutrition philosophy revolves around the idea that what you put into your body directly impacts how it performs and recovers.

    Logan prioritizes high-quality, nutrient-dense foods that provide the essential vitamins and minerals his body needs to function optimally. He maintains that the reason for eating certain foods is more important than the taste.

    Logan is also a firm believer in the importance of consistency in his diet. He maintains a structured eating plan year-round. 

    Franklin’s Meal Plans

    A typical day in Logan Franklin’s diet is a well-balanced mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, spread across 5 meals. Each meal is carefully designed to provide his body with a steady stream of nutrients to support muscle repair, energy production, and overall health. 

    Bodybuilder's diet

    Here’s a glimpse into what Logan’s daily diet might look like:

    Meal 1: 

    • 8 egg whites with 1 yolk.
    • 4 tablespoons of cream of wheat

    Meal 2: 

    • 7 oz portion of grilled chicken breast
    • 1 portion of cooked white rice (No sodium)

    Meal 3:

    • Whey Protein Shake
    • 2 slices of Ezekiel Bread

    Meal 4:

    • 8 oz. portion of 85/15 Ground Beef OR 7 oz portion of grilled chicken breast
    • 3-5 oz. Greens like Asparagus, Broccoli, Spinach, Romaine, or Green Beans.
    • 6 oz. of White Potatoes

    Meal 5:

    • 5 egg whites
    • Casein Shake
    • 1 portion of oatmeal

    This structure ensures that Logan’s body receives a constant supply of protein to repair and build muscle, while the carbohydrates provide the energy needed for his intense training sessions.

    Logan Franklin’s Use of Supplements

    In addition to consuming whole foods, Logan incorporates various supplements to enhance his performance and recuperation. While he emphasizes the importance of getting nutrients from food, supplements play a critical role in filling any gaps and enhancing his diet.

    Some of the key supplements Logan uses include:

    • Protein Powder: Both Whey Protein and Casein Protein are essential for meeting his high protein needs, especially post-workout to kickstart recovery.

    • - Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): Helps reduce muscle soreness and supports muscle recovery during and after intense workouts.

    • - Multivitamins: Ensures he gets all the necessary micronutrients to support overall health.

    • - Pre-workout:  to sustainable energy and focus for workout endurance.

    Logan carefully times his supplements to maximize their effectiveness, such as taking protein immediately after workouts or BCAAs during training to prevent muscle breakdown.

    Protein Drink

    Hydration and Recovery

    Proper hydration is a non-negotiable part of Logan Franklin’s diet plan. He understands that staying hydrated is crucial for optimal muscle function, digestion, and overall well-being. Logan makes it a point to drink plenty of water throughout the day, aiming for at least a gallon to keep his body hydrated and ready to perform.

    Logan also emphasizes the importance of recovery, which is supported by hydration and proper sleep and rest.

    He ensures he gets enough sleep each night to allow his muscles to recover and grow, recognizing that this is when the body does much of its repair work. 

    By prioritizing recovery, Logan can consistently train at a high level without risking burnout or injury.


    Logan Franklin’s journey in bodybuilding showcases the power of dedication, consistency, and a balanced approach to fitness. His carefully crafted workout routine and disciplined diet plan have not only sculpted a world-class physique but have also made him a respected figure in the fitness industry. 

    Logan’s emphasis on aesthetics, proportion, and the importance of nutrition offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to elevate their fitness game. Whether you’re an aspiring bodybuilder or simply someone who wants to achieve a better level of fitness, adopting some of Logan’s principles can help you reach your goals. 

    From prioritizing symmetry in your training to maintaining consistency in your diet, Logan’s methods are proven strategies for building a body that is both strong and aesthetically pleasing.


    What motivates The Texas Oak?  “I train in the gym to live a healthier, more aesthetic lifestyle. I want to feel good about myself everywhere I go and look good as well.”

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